Braggworthy Adventures
About Us
To understand how Braggworthy Adventures began, I'd like to provide some context about my husband and I, the Bragg family. My husband and I have drastically different backgrounds. I came from an affluent neighborhood in the Midwest: a perfect central spot to explore all corners of the United States. My family was blessed with opportunities to travel internationally. In college I joined the European Studies major and took part in a study abroad exploring Western Europe. In contrast, my husband grew up never leaving the country. His only travels were moves from one home to another. He fueled his adventurous spirit through outdoor experiences: hiking at Philmont or jumping into the waters of Lake Powell. Fortunately, our different backgrounds led to the same conclusion: there is immense value in exposure to new experiences, different peoples and other cultures.
However, instead of living my life according to those values, I found myself 24 with a full time job, house, bills, and heavy commitments. I felt like I was living someone else’s life and I knew I needed to rethink my trajectory. On a long walk after a Florida rainstorm I made a confession: I wanted to see the world, experience new cultures and create a long term trip of my own that would allow me to easily get from place to place. My husband championed me and together we decided to set a date, make the goal and prioritize travel.
We created a brand, Braggworthy Adventures, to capture the experience of planning for and eventually taking part in this experience. Braggworthy Adventures took weekend getaways, reviewed travel products and experienced Disney World. The channel has grown and developed into a space to share authentic experiences and travel planning ideas. Braggworthy Adventures has even been featured in articles by Travel Awaits on Disney’s Reopening and U.S. Adventures and has helped other individuals plan successful trips. I don’t use photoshop to eliminate other tourists from my photos and I like to complete an experience myself before recommending it to others. Though I hope someday to lead tours to a variety of destinations, write a book or create specific tools to help fellow travelers (an app for travel planning and/or travel clothing that is versatile and beautiful), the main goal with Braggworthy Adventures is to provide simple steps and real life feedback for people who are tentative to travel.
After a couple years of travel planning and exploring nearby places, we finally started our year of extended travel in August of 2021. Because of Covid things did not go quite as planned, but we adapted and learned how to redesign our originally planned trip into a living idea. We began in a car because the van we had custom built wasn’t working, then once it was fixed, we moved into the van for five months, then we took off via plane and island hopped in hawaii for a month before finally leaving the United States to visit Kenya, Thailand, Cambodia and Korea.
During this time we filmed, but weren’t posting on our YouTube channel or updating this website. I wanted to absorb the experience and have the wisdom of hindsight to properly inform my viewers about the experience. We also wanted to live in the moment and we are incredibly happy to have made that choice.
Now we have moved into a new city, started new jobs and in a way we are back to the start, but because of our experiences we have changed, so everything is different. I’ve learned that there are more options than we realize in our lives and work. Most people forget who is the boss in their own life. People give their power away to their bosses and their routine, like I once did. While I was working full time before I felt overwhelmed and out of control. When I was traveling full time I felt aimless and out of touch. Now, I hope to find balance by taking opportunities to travel while re-entering the working world.
Braggworthy Adventures will also be entering a new age. As I process and edit the moments captured through the our year of travel, I hope to be able to post videos full of authenticity and inspiration so others can find themselves making their dreams a reality.
About Rose
Rose is the voice behind Braggworthy Adventures. She began to realize her penchant for travel while at BYU in the European Studies major. After a study abroad to Italy, Greece, London, Berlin and Paris, she realized there was so much she still wanted to see. She went back to Europe for a internship with the Scottish Parliament where Michael visited her (leaving the country for the first time) and proposed in Paris. With his support, she continues to seek out new experiences abroad and in the United States.
About Michael
Michael is all about experiencing intense outdoor adventures and tasting new foods. Unaware of the bounty that the world truly does offer, he grew up to appreciate living life in the moment. He believes there is immense value that comes from exposure to new and different peoples and cultures. Michael supports Rose in her dreams by attempting to keep up with her, and put up with her many requests for photos. Before he met Rose he had never left the United States, but now he is looking forward to seeing so many new places.